Crickets are one of the most sustainable protein sources on Earth. Crickets require less feed and water than the majority of conventional protein sources, including plants and animals, and release next to nothing in terms of carbon emissions and greenhouse gasses.

(COWS vs. Crickets)





We strive for zero waste products. Our crickets are bred in the south of Vietnam where the climate conditions are perfect for breeding all year round, in contrast to European factories which rely heavily on temperature-controlled farming units to replicate this process, at a higher environmental impact. Our award-winning farm partner harvests and purifies the annual monsoon rains to reduce demand for outside water resources. They also grow their cassava roots and feed the leaves to the crickets. This organic feed has great nutrients for the crickets and, by correlation, for your pup.

The crickets produce a high nitrate fertiliser as a by-product (Frass- a mixture of shed exoskeletons and excrement) which is then collected and returned to the farmers to use on the land to help boost the crops’ potassium and nitrogen content in a natural, environmentally-friendly way. This cycle ensures the soil quality remains high and there is zero wastage involved in the process of rearing our crickets.

Vertical farming is another way in which we efficiently utilise space and land. Crickets can be reared vertically and so require barely any land in comparison to beef.

Our Packaging is 100% recyclable and we use a carbon-neutral delivery service for the majority of our shipping operations worldwide.

We agree with ActNow, the United Nations campaign for individual action on climate change and sustainability: “Every one of us can help limit global warming and take care of our planet. By making choices that have less harmful effects on the environment, we can be part of the solution and influence change.”

Further information and advice on how to make small but important changes to help you and your family or business live more sustainably can be found in the UN sustainable development goals guide below:

Edible Insects:
A solution to climate change?


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